
Discussion Session in Tirana about Albanian Law Journal and Blog on Justice Reform

In the framework of Albanian Law Journal, another activity took place at the Social Sciences Faculty of University of Tirana, conducted in cooperation with the department of Political Sciences on June 14th, 2018. The focus of this activity was not only to introduce the Albanian Law Journal, but also to discuss and present one of the novelties of this Journal, which is the Justice Reform Blog.

Sesion Diskutimi në Tiranë rreth Revistës Juridike Shqiptare dhe Blogut mbi Reformën në Drejtësi

Në kuadër të Revistës Juridike Shqiptare në tjetër aktivitet u zhvillua këtë herë në Fakultetin e Shkencave Sociale, Universiteti i Tiranës në bashkëpunim me departamentin e Shkencave Politike më 14 qershor 2018. Fokus i këtij aktiviteti nuk ishte vetëm prezantimi i Revistës Juridike Shqiptare, por edhe diskutimi dhe prezantimi i një prej risive të kësaj Reviste siç është Blogu mbi Reformën në Drejtësi.

Discussion Session in Durrës about Albanian Law Journal

On March 30, 2018, a discussion event about  Albanian Law Journal was held at the premises of "Aleksandër Moisiu", the University of Durrës. There were present representatives of the academic staff, as well as students and lawyer experts from the judicial institutions of the city of Durrës. Nirvana Deliu from EMA introduced briefly the initiative and novelties that the Albanian Law Journal brings as a magazine only offered online, in both Albanian and English languages.




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