Human Rights

This section shall include all the analitic articles that addresses particular cases and/ or particular categories of human rights, which are most often violated in Albania. It shall also analyze the Albanian legislation, impacting human rights, to assess if it meets the required standards and principles set by the European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”), which is ratified by Albania.

On Several Aspects of Good Governance and the Importance of Civic Engagement

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This article deals with the concept of good governance and its major elements, among which civic engagement and respect to human rights. Paragraph II of this article explains the concept of good governance, the development of this concept and its main elements.

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The right to access to higher education in Albania

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The right to access to higher education is a hot topic being discussed around the world, which involves a series of legal, policy and human rights issues. This paper will deal with the right to access to higher education in Albania, analyzing the new education reform and its impact on access to higher education under the light of the ECHR convention.

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