European Union and Integration

This section shall include all the analytic articles that addresses cases on developments of the European legislation, which have their impact on Albanian citizens, institutions and all sectors of economy and society, as a result of Albania’s European Integration efforts and more precisely concerning the EU negotiation process.

The Next EU Enlargement “Wave” in the Western Balkans: The case of Albania

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The better part of the last two years has made a case for the return of the ‘Balkan question’ on top of the European Union’s agenda. The Western Balkans (WB) countries’ - Albania included – difficult road towards the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law for the scope of accession to the European Union (hereinafter the EU) has been constantly burdened with difficulties.

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The European Union’s Normative Role in the Dissolution of the Ex-Yugoslavia: An Underestimated Contribution

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The European Community/Union has been an important factor in the dissolution of the Ex-Yugoslavia, even though this affirmation has raised many critics and debates. This paper tries to re-evaluate this role in an actual perspective, after nearly quarter a century from the beginning of the conflict.

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The case of Facebook and recent developments in EU merger procedural rules

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On May 18, 2017 the European Commission addressed the case of Facebook (FB) regarding the infringements of merger procedural rules under EC Merger Rules (ECMR) for providing incorrect or misleading information. Facebook was fined with  110 million for breaching EU Merger procedural rules in providing incorrect or misleading information during the acquisition of Whatsapp.

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The future of the European monetary policies

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United Europe started a new era with the Maastricht Treaty, since the latter triggers the triumph of a numerous achievements both in the economic and political domain. The establishment of the monetary market and the preparations for introduction into the market of the common currency signals the maximum economic integration and refinement of the single market.

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Albania´s Progress on Rule of Law, Democracy and Fundamental rights - A Comparison Between the EU and Council of Europe’ Monitoring Instruments

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This article will deal with the progress of Albania´s accession to the European Union. Secondly, the Copenhagen principles to be complied with by candidate countries will be addressed, as far as several requirements regarding the state of the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights are demanded by the EU institutions in order to be accepted as a new member in the EU.

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