During the last week of March (28.03-02.04.2022), within the framework of the implementation of the 610495-EPP-1-2019-1-AL-EPPJMO-CoE, Assoc. Prof. Ersi Bozheku - Professor at University of Sapienza Rome, University ECampus, University Pegaso as well as an important Italian lawyer - hold an intensive week of seminars dealing with the 'The Criminal Liability of Legal Persons in Albania and in the EU' (Përgjegjësia Penale e Personit Juridik në Shqipëri dhe në Bashkimin Evropian). EMA was proud to have invited an Albanian scholar who is affiliated with some of the most important public and private Italian HEI. During the seminars, students and assistant-advocates as well as future lawyers had the opportunity to ask several questions regarding the EU Criminal Law impact into the Albanian legislation.