
Lorenc Gordani

Lorenc Gordani, Head of the Department of Law at the Faculty of Business and Law at Tirana Business University College (TBU), is a seasoned expert in policy, legal frameworks, regulatory matters, and energy infrastructure in Albania. With advanced studies in law and public policy, including a Laurea Magistrale (Università degli Studi di Torino) and a PhD in Public Law (Università degli Studi di Pavia), as well as postgraduate education across Europe (e.g., European College of Parma, Université de Nantes, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg), his career spans over 20 years of academic lecturing, strategic consultancy, and institutional capacity building. Attn. Gordani's work focuses on implementing EU legal frameworks in Albania and shaping public policies, with significant contributions to sustainable growth, an extensive bibliography, media analysis, and participation in international conferences.

Evanthi Suli

Evanthi Suli ka kryer studimet pranë Fakultetit të Drejtësisë në nivelin Bachelor dhe Master në vitet akademike 2017-2022 duke u vlerësuar me dy medalje ari. Momentalisht është e punësuar në pozicionin e Nëpunësit për Uljen e Numrit të Çështjeve të Prapambetura në Gjykatën e Apelit të Juridiksionit të Përgjithshëm. Fushat kryesore të kërkimit përfshijnë të drejtën administrative, të drejtën kushtetuese, të drejtën civile dhe të drejtën penale.Kontributet e saj në RJSH ( Çështjet Praktike dhe Administrative, 2025): Rregullimi i institutit të ekstradimit në legjislacionit shqiptar dhe ndikimi i tij në luftën kundër kriminalitetit 

Viktor Mërkuri

Viktor Mërkuri is an experienced researcher in project management, legal expertise, and research roles within international and academic organizations. He holds a degree in International Law and International Relations and has been involved in managing various projects funded by entities such as the European Union and UNDP. His areas of expertise include project management in national and international organizations, providing expertise and consultancy, as well as teaching at the Faculty of Law, Department of Public Law.

His contributions to ALJ ( European Union and Integration, 2024): A Comparative analysis of Anti-Corruption Measures: Albania and North Macedonia - Viktor Mërkuri

Anxhela Kenaj

Anxhela Kenaj is an expert in EU Integration and negotiation processes within the judicial, fundamental rights, and cultural fields, with approximately 8 years of professional experience. Currently serving as a European Integration Specialist at the Ministry of Justice, she focuses on contributing on policies within the framework of negotiations for Chapter 23. For more than 6 years, she has worked as a specialist in the European Integration Directorate, Coordination, International Agreements and EU aid at the Ministry of Culture.

Her Contributions to ALJ ((Human Rights, 2024)): The need of establishing a Special Medical Institution for Forensic Patients in Albania, Doc. Marsida Grami and MSc. Anxhela Kenaj



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