Eni Kalo is Partner in the IP Department of KALO & ASSOCIATE Law Firm. She holds a law degree from “Robert Schuman" University in Strasbourg, followed by a Masters Degree in Intellectual Property Law at CEIPI (Center of International Studies of Industrial Property), part of Robert Schuman University. While working in this law firm from 8 years mainly focusing on IP practice, Eni enrolled in the master’s program with the French Institution of Administration (IFG), part of a joint program of University of Tirana and University of Bordeaux IV, and at the completion of the studies obtained the title Master Administration des Entreprises (MAE – MBA), with merits. She has very strong knowledge of both IP practice and legal procedures. Her main focus is towards IP, commercial contracts, telecoms, advertising, consumer protection, pharmaceuticals and data protection. She is active in registration of patents, trademarks and domains and has forged good links with both the General Directorate of Patents and Trademarks, and the Commissioner of Information and Protection of Personal Dara, through her long experience in this area. Eni acts authorized trademark and patent agent for KALO & ASSOCIATES. She is also a member of the Albanian Bar Association and speaks fluently French, English and Italian.